© 2006 - 2025 Word of Life World Outreach

Word of Life World Outreach                                                                                                   Mike & Ck Thompson

Mike & Ck Thompson: Who Are These People?

Mike Thompson is author of the book "Third Heaven Authority - Discover How to Pray from
Heaven’s Perspective." Available on Amazon or wherever books are sold.

A noted prophet and Bible teacher, Mike was thrust into semi-prominence
on the internet after openly sharing an angelic visitation
in which the Lord told him “the hand of the Lord
is on Donald Trump” for presidency of the United States.
This occurred in April of 2016, seven months before the election.
Initially, Mike was quite reticent about sharing this prophecy publicly.
He had strongly held convictions about keeping politics
out of his church and ministry.

He “wrestled with the Lord,” until the Lord assured him
“it’s about REVIVAL, not politics.” Souls were in the balance over it.

Mike has been a guest on the Elijah List, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural LIVE,
and more recently on ElijahStreams w/ Steve Shultz, His Glory  and The Eric Metaxas Radio Show.

Mike’s Bio: With a degree in Bible theology from International Seminary, Mike did graduate work in
Christian counseling, and also has a certificate from Rhema Bible Training Center.
He functions as a prophet to the Body of Christ,
intent on hosting the Glory of God and Revival on planet Earth.

With over 45 years of full-time ministry experience,
they’re both a
ccurate prophets, anointed for healing of hearts as well as hosting the Glory of God.
Bringing credibility & accountability to Prophetic ministry,
their deepest desire is to usher-in the Presence of God:
to introduce precious souls to Him, and above all bring Glory to Jesus!

Mike & Ck’s life is a love story. These high school sweethearts were married in 1972,
 have been in full-time ministry since 1977 and have two grown sons.

C.K.: She’s a prophet/seer, musician, singer and writer (and CK says ‘amateur comedian.’)
According to Mike: “Ck is profoundly prophetic in everything she does.
She lives in a realm of prophetic perception including dreams, visions & angelic interaction.
You need to be honest around Ck because she can ‘read your mail.’”


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