© 2006 - 2025 Word of Life World Outreach
Partners of a Heavenly Assignment
“When you give, you sow into your own future & destiny.
We decree the Prophet’s reward upon you. Expect financial signs & wonders!”
You may become a ministry partner here
“The Lord is restoring the destiny of America! I've been commissioned to take the message
of Third-Heaven Authority and the coming Revival and to the Body of Christ.
Revival/ Spiritual Awakening is here! God is keeping His word to the United States,
and causing our nation to fulfill her Destiny again!
“In this Prophetic/Apostolic season, God is calling His people out of religion
into the freedom of ‘sonship.’
The Lord is setting people free from Religion-ism, Legalism & Spiritual Abuse.
He’s releasing Grace, Freedom & 3rd-Heaven Authority to this generation.
Jesus is introducing Himself to the world…and re-introducing Himself to the Body of Christ.
God is getting ready to shake the Nations.“
Mike & Ck have a radical assignment from the Lord.
April, 2016: In a prayer meeting, an angel suddenly stood beside Mike and
told him the Hand of the Lord was on then-candidate Donald Trump.
He called him “the man with the hand of the Lord on him.”
That’s when God gave Mike the Donald Trump assignment.
Here’s the original video when Mike went public.
“We are living in powerful Days of Destiny. This is the Day of the Saints!
The Kingdom of Heaven is invading Earth, and God wants to do it through YOU.
“My heart's desire is to usher in the Glory, so people can have encounters with Jesus.
Do YOU hear the upward call?”
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
"The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy (Revelation 19:10)
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom,
but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. (1 Corinthians 2:4)
Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established;
believe His prophets, and you shall prosper. (2 Chron. 20:20)
Word of Life World Outreach Church is our local Prophet’s House & Recording Studio.
WOL and Mike & Ck Thompson are supported solely by the goodness of God,
and the faithful tithes & offerings of those who give to this ministry.
We live by faith.
When you give, you sow into your own future & destiny.
We decree the Prophet’s reward upon you. Expect financial signs & wonders.
Your faithful financial support is money with a mission & money for souls.
Please consider becoming a ministry partner. We release
the Prophet’s Reward & the Anointing for Supernatural Finances into your life.
An article to encourage you: The Divine Mark of Generosity & Prosperity.
We love you and desire God's best for you.
- Mike & Ck Thompson
Yes, I’d like to Partner with Mike & Ck with regular prayer and financial support!
I want to connect with this anointing
and receive the Prophet’s Reward in my own life.
I am under no obligation to give, other than that which the Lord places on my heart.
Become a Partner today! View giving options Here
Thank you. Be radically blessed in all you do.
Because of JESUS, Heaven is Open to You!
Please follow us on YouTube · FaceBook · Rumble · Instagram
Mike is a sought-out speaker for conferences and ministry events across the country.
To invite him to speak, please go to our booking page.
Note From Mike: Our Commitment To Our Partners
Ck and I want you to know we are committed to you.
We love you and value our relationship with you.
We care about your heart, your family
and God’s purposes for your life.
Therefore, we are committed to the call of God upon us:
To teach, preach & prophesy the Word of God
without compromise or apology,
to minister in the anointing & power of the Holy Spirit,
to provide a place for Spirit-Filled, Prophetic/Apostolic ministry.
To cause you, God’s people, to inherit the land which
the Lord promised you generations ago.
(Land: Spiritual metaphor for all of God’s purposes
for you and your life. Your Destiny!)
We will cover you and your family in prayer:
That Christ would continue to be formed in your heart;
That the eyes of your understanding
will be flooded with light,
that you may know the hope of your calling in Christ Jesus,
both individually and collectively as the Body of Christ;
That you will be protected from sin and the evil one;
That you will prosper and your needs will always be met;
That your faith will not fail;
That multitudes will come into a saving knowledge
of the Lord Jesus through this ministry.
We have set our faces like flint to fulfill the call of God
through every means available
to be instruments of authentic revival.
For the promise is to you and to your children
and to all who are afar off,
across America and the Nations.
And it shall come to pass that everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
And that's why we are here!
Jesus is getting ready to shake the Nations!
Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, Prophetic ministry –
Proclaiming Jesus is Lord!
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