© 2006 - 2025 Word of Life World Outreach
Be the Warrior!
God Introduced me to an Archangel…
by Mike Thompson
I'd like to share an extraordinary experience. It happened in prayer, October 11, 2012.
In 37 years of ministry, this was a first for me. That's saying a lot for the guy who preaches on Third-Heaven Authority!
While I was praying, a strong "warrior" anointing arose within me. I found myself in the spiritual realm, but acting it out in the natural.
The Lord took me up in the spirit to the second heaven, the atmosphere above us where warfare takes place. He placed a huge sword in my hand and told me to start "slaying demons"
-- breaking their influence off of people's lives.
The warrior anointing grew. It was so strong, my body began acting out what was happening in the spirit! There I was in my kitchen, completely absorbed in the warfare. Whirling from side to side, I swung my invisible sword in ferocious battle, hands flailing about.
(And yes, the blinds were open. Pretty crazy, I know! But I was so caught away, I didn't care.)
In the spiritual realm, I tore through what seemed like hordes of wicked spirits. With each violent blow of the sword I yelled, "In Jesus' name I curse you, spirit of _(name)_!"
Calling them by name, I slashed at them one by one. Among them were Religion, Poverty,
Fear and Discouragement. Deception.
Fault-finder, False judgment, Witchcraft. "Land spirits," "Water spirits." Jezebel. Pharisee. These are just a few of the entities the Lord was bringing down.
Philippians 2:10-11: ...At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
In the midst of the fight, a "suddenly" moment occurred. SUDDENLY -- right behind me -- an angelic presence joined me. I was not alone in the warfare.
I was not alone in my kitchen! But I couldn't see who it was until the anointing lifted.
As the battle ended, the angel stepped up beside me. He was BIG. In his hands he held a bloody sword.
At that moment, these words thundered through the air:
"Mike and Michael, the unstoppable team."
This big angel was Michael the Archangel. I was completely astonished. Michael - the mighty warrior angel - was standing in my kitchen!
Daniel 10:13: ...Then Michael, one of the chief angels, came to help me, because I had been left there alone in Persia.
Revelation 12:7: ...Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon...
In an instant, I was completely undone. Dropping the sword to my side, I stood before the Lord.
And humbly - in that holy moment - I asked Him to fulfill His promises. To me and Ck. And to YOU, HIS PEOPLE. To fulfill the Destiny burning within us!
The Lord said, "Mike, you've always had a warrior spirit. That's why I taught you about Third-Heaven Authority. To raise up & equip My Third-Heaven people.
"The enemy tried to steal this from you over the years. Religious people, persecution and circumstances have pressured you. They tried to silence your calling.
"Don't let them change who you are.
"BE who you are. Be the warrior!"
The impact of that day was bigger than the church I pastored at the time. It was bigger than any city I had lived in. It involved the Election, the condition of the Church in America. (Since this initial “introduction,” Michael has visited me twice.)
But the here’s the thing I want you to hear: God is raising YOU up. He's dispatching angels to YOU. Take your position! Victory is YOURS through Jesus Christ. Powerful changes are coming. Mighty answers to prayer. "Suddenlies" are coming for YOU.
Don't EVER judge yourself or others by how things look on the outside. Everything starts in the heart first.
And here's the key: Don't be afraid to be a warrior!
To read more about Mike’s experiences with Michael the ‘warrior angel”
click to read America, the Body of Christ, and the ‘Angel of Israel’
And The Coming Move of God in the United States
© 2012 Mike Thompson Ministries
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